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Hand Sanitizer Refreshing Gel

Regular price $4.00 CAD
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Buy your own hand sanitizer online now! Registered with Health Canada, NPN: 80098460

Formulated with the following ingredients: Aloe Vera gel, Vitamin E, Vegetable Glycerin an organic and natural source. Our Natural Hand Sanitizer gel leaves your skin soft, hydrated, and moisturizing.


Formule à base de gel d’aloes vera, vitamine E, glycérine végétale de source organique et naturelle. Notre gel antibactérien pour les mains laisse votre peau douce et hydratée.


Active Ingredients: 70% Ethanol

Inactive Ingredients: Water, Aloe Vera Juice, Glycerin, Isopropyl Myristate, Propylene Glycol, Tocopheryl Acetate, Aminomethyl Propanol, Carbomer

Ingrédients actifs: Éthanol à 70%

Ingrédients inactifs: Eau, jus d’Aloes Vera, Glycérine, Myristate d’lsopropyle, Propyléne Glycol, Acétate de Tocophérile, Aminométhyle Propanol, Carbomer

How to use

1. Apply a dime sized amount of DermaMed™ Hand Sanitizer to the palm of one hand.

2. Rub hands together covering all surfaces of hands and fingers.

3. Rub until waterless hand sanitizer is absorbed.

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