Supporting SOS BC
Every child should belong to a family and grow with love, respect, and security. The statistics show that we as a society are failing our children. SOS BC effectively meets the needs of those vulnerable youth who are the key to our future.
SOS International is the world's largest non-governmental, non-denominational child development charity working with orphaned and abandoned children. It has existed for over 60 years with a presence in 133 nations and over 550 Villages.
Every SOS Children‘s Village is a place that children can call home: children live as part of their own culture and religion, in a place where their needs for food, health, shelter and education are met.
The SOS mother is essential to the life of children in the SOS Villages. She provides constant care, love and support for five to ten children. These women, locally hired and extensively trained, provide children with more than a place to live; they provide a family.
SOS Children‘s Villages keeps families together through the Family Strengthening Programs, which help parents and their communities to protect and care for their children. Skills training and community development work help parents to become self-sufficient and prevent child abandonment.
SOS Children’s Villages offers other programs that support families and children in need. And during times of global emergencies, they support those most affected.
Through SOS Children‘s Villages, kids who were alone and abandoned, or at risk of losing their families, have an opportunity to grow up safe and become self sufficient, better citizens and better parents. That leads to positive, lasting social change.[i]
SOS Canada
In keeping with the SOS Children's Villages International focus, SOS Children's Villages Canada - who partners with Mike Holmes - fundraises for children in developing countries. They do not receive direct financial funding from the parent organization, and they do all the revenue generation on their own.
Thinking globally about helping a child through SOS Canada, we are donating to SOS BC.[ii]
[i] http://www.sosbc.org/about-us/vision-values-mission/sos-international-celebrity-ambassadors
[ii] http://www.sosbc.org/about-us/vision-values-mission/sos-canada