Do you love DermaMed products?
Can't stop talking about how well our products work to your friends, family, and coworkers?
If you already recommend DermaMed to basically everyone you know, why not sign up as a DermaMed brand ambassador?
Earn perks such as special deals and free merchandise, just for doing what you already do!
What Do You Need Me to Do?
- Like our posts
- Share the ones that resonate with you
- Make and share your own posts (e.g. reviews, recommendations, tips, etc.)
- Promote our products (e.g. share your unique discount code)
What Are the Perks?
- A special discount for as long as you are a brand ambassador
- Free products to review
- DermaMed Brand Ambassador Welcome Package
How Do I Sign Up?
To register as a brand ambassador, please email with the subject set to "Brand Ambassador Inquiry". Please provide your full contact details, social media handles, and a short and sweet summary about yourself.